Published on in Vol 3, No 3 (2016): Jul-Sept

Online Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment: Preliminary Results of the “OCD? Not Me!” Self-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Young People

Online Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment: Preliminary Results of the “OCD? Not Me!” Self-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Young People

Online Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment: Preliminary Results of the “OCD? Not Me!” Self-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Young People

Clare Samantha Rees   1 , BA (Hons), MPsych (Clinical and Health), PhD ;   Rebecca Anne Anderson   1 , BPsych (Hons), MPsych (Clinical), PhD ;   Robert Thomas Kane   1 , BA (Hons), PhD ;   Amy Louise Finlay-Jones   1 , BPsych (Hons), MPsych (Clinical), PhD

1 School of Psychology and Speech Pathology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Corresponding Author:

  • Clare Samantha Rees, BA (Hons), MPsych (Clinical and Health), PhD
  • School of Psychology and Speech Pathology
  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Curtin University
  • GPO Box U1987
  • Perth, 6845
  • Australia
  • Phone: 61 8 9266 3442
  • Fax: 61 8 9266 2464
  • Email: