Published on in Vol 2, No 2 (2015): April-June

Online Peer-to-Peer Support for Young People With Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review

Online Peer-to-Peer Support for Young People With Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review

Online Peer-to-Peer Support for Young People With Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review


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  71. Halsall T, Daley M, Hawke L, Henderson J. Exploring Peer Support Services for Youth Experiencing Multiple Health and Social Challenges in Canada: A Hybrid Realist-Participatory Evaluation Model. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2021;20 View
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  107. Halsall T, Daley M, Hawke L, Henderson J, Matheson K. “You can kind of just feel the power behind what someone's saying”: a participatory-realist evaluation of peer support for young people coping with complex mental health and substance use challenges. BMC Health Services Research 2022;22(1) View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Barry M. Implementing Mental Health Promotion. View
  2. Bender J. Novel Applications of Virtual Communities in Healthcare Settings. View
  3. Apolinário-Hagen J. The Digitization of Healthcare. View
  4. Colditz J, Woods M, Primack B. Technology and Adolescent Mental Health. View
  5. Kirk S, Milnes L. Self-Management of Young People with Chronic Conditions. View
  6. Borgetto B, Wuensche I, Wittmar S. Gesundheitswissenschaften. View
  7. Ingram W, Khanna R, Weston C. Mental Health Informatics. View
  8. Borgetto B, Wuensche I, Wittmar S. Gesundheitswissenschaften. View
  9. Areán P, Allred R. Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction. View
  10. . L'accompagnement par les pairs. View