Published on in Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Jan-Mar

Current Views and Perspectives on E-Mental Health: An Exploratory Survey Study for Understanding Public Attitudes Toward Internet-Based Psychotherapy in Germany

Current Views and Perspectives on E-Mental Health: An Exploratory Survey Study for Understanding Public Attitudes Toward Internet-Based Psychotherapy in Germany

Current Views and Perspectives on E-Mental Health: An Exploratory Survey Study for Understanding Public Attitudes Toward Internet-Based Psychotherapy in Germany

Jennifer Apolinário-Hagen   1 , Dr. rer. medic., Dipl-Psych ;   Viktor Vehreschild   1 , Dipl-Math, BSc Psych, MSc Psych ;   Ramez M Alkoudmani   2 , BSc (Pharmaceutical Science), MSc (Pharmacy Practice)

1 Institute for Psychology, Department of Health Psychology, University of Hagen, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hagen, Germany

2 Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice Department, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

Corresponding Author:

  • Jennifer Apolinário-Hagen, Dr. rer. medic., Dipl-Psych
  • Institute for Psychology
  • Department of Health Psychology
  • University of Hagen, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Bldg B, 1th Fl
  • Universitätsstraße 33
  • Hagen, 58097
  • Germany
  • Phone: 49 2331 987 - 2272
  • Fax: 49 2331 987 - 1047
  • Email: