Articles published in this theme: 6 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
Pornography-Watching Disorder and Its Risk Factors Among Young Adults: Cross-Sectional Survey
Csaba Erdős, Oguz Kelemen, Dávid Pócs, Edit Paulik, András Papp, Edina Horváth, Arbel Golan, Krisztián Széll
J Med Internet Res 2025 (Jan 08); 27:e49860Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Jake Turvey, Dana McKay, Sarah T Kaur, Natasha Castree, Shanton Chang, Megan S C Lim
JMIR Pediatr Parent 2024 (Nov 05); 7:e58684Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Tim Jacobs, Björn Geysemans, Guido Van Hal, Inge Glazemakers, Kristian Fog-Poulsen, Alexandra Vermandel, Stefan De Wachter, Gunter De Win
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2021 (Oct 21); 7(10):e32542Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Design, Use, and Effects of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots: Scoping Review
Nicola Döring, M Rohangis Mohseni, Roberto Walter
J Med Internet Res 2020 (Jul 30); 22(7):e18551Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Christiane Eichenberg, Marwa Khamis, Lisa Hübner
J Med Internet Res 2019 (Aug 20); 21(8):e13853Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Nektaria Varfi, Stephane Rothen, Katarzyna Jasiowka, Thibault Lepers, Francesco Bianchi-Demicheli, Yasser Khazaal
JMIR Ment Health 2019 (Jan 21); 6(1):e9978Download Citation: END BibTex RIS