Call for Papers: Theme Issue on “Responsible Design, Integration, and Use of Generative AI in Mental Health”

JMIR Mental Health, (2023 Impact Factor 5.2) a premier SCIE/PubMed/Scopus-indexed, peer-reviewed journal with a unique focus on digital mental health, is inviting submissions to a new theme issue titled “Responsible Design, Integration, and Use of Generative AI in Mental Health.”

The continued development of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) necessitates a thoughtful approach to addressing its ethical considerations and responsibilities. GAI models have already demonstrated exciting abilities, including language generation, image synthesis, and personalized mental health interventions. Using these capabilities responsibly in the field of mental health requires careful examination and guidance.

This special theme issue aims to unite various stakeholders in exploring the responsible use of GAI within the mental health domain. The goal is to curate a collection of articles that examine the advantages, challenges, and potential risks associated with deploying GAI models in mental health care while also proposing guidelines and best practices for the ethical and responsible implementation of these technologies.

All articles should meet JMIR Mental Health’s high standards for research, ethics, and innovation. The theme issue will encompass an interdisciplinary conceptualization of what responsible GAI in mental health should be, including but not limited to:

  • Ethical considerations in GAI-based mental health interventions

  • Evaluating the efficacy and safety of GAI models in mental health care

  • Explainability and interpretability of GAI outputs in mental health applications

  • Ensuring diversity, fairness, and mitigation of biases in GAI for mental health

  • Privacy and security implications of using GAI in mental health services

  • User perspectives and experiences with GAI-driven mental health interventions

  • The desired role of mental health professionals and service users in the responsible development and implementation processes of GAI

  • Regulatory frameworks and guidelines for the implementation of GAI in mental health care

  • GAI in mental health from a disability studies perspective. 

We invite you to submit original research papers, both conceptual and empirical in various methodologies, that contribute toward conceptualizing as well as exploring different applications of responsible GAI in mental health.  

Submission Guidelines

All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, and accepted articles will be published as part of a special issue on the Responsible Design, Integration, and Use of Generative AI in Mental Health

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2024

Submissions not reviewed or accepted for publication in this JMIR Mental Health theme issue may be offered cascading peer review or transfer to other JMIR Publications journals, according to standard publisher policies. For example, highly technical papers may be transferred or submitted to JMIR Biomedical Engineering. Selected submissions also may be in scope for JMIR AI

Early-stage formative work that informs the design of future interventions or research may better fit the scope for JMIR Formative Research. Authors are encouraged to submit study protocols or grant proposals to JMIR Research Protocols before data acquisition to preregister the study (Registered Reports—subsequent acceptance in one of the JMIR Publications journals is then guaranteed). 

All articles submitted to this theme issue will be shared and published rapidly through the following mechanisms:

  • All peer-reviewed articles in this theme issue will be immediately and permanently made open access. This is the standard for all titles within the JMIR Publications portfolio.

  • Articles can be made immediately available in JMIR Preprints (with a DOI) after submission if authors select the preprint option at submission to enable this service.

Guest Editors

For more information, please contact the guest editors of this special issue:

Amir Tal
Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, and Samueli Foundation Initiative for Responsible AI in Medicine, Tel-Aviv University

Oren Asman

Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, and Samueli Foundation Initiative for Responsible AI in Medicine, Tel-Aviv University

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