Published on in Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Jan-Mar

- Hwang S, Choi H. A Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention Programs for Healthcare Personnel. Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2016;25(4):386 View
- Kim J, Kim S. Development and Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Nursing Competency Programs for Visiting Nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2020;50(1):14 View
- Nakagami Y, Kubo H, Katsuki R, Sakai T, Sugihara G, Naito C, Oda H, Hayakawa K, Suzuki Y, Fujisawa D, Hashimoto N, Kobara K, Cho T, Kuga H, Takao K, Kawahara Y, Matsumura Y, Murai T, Akashi K, Kanba S, Otsuka K, Kato T. Development of a 2-h suicide prevention program for medical staff including nurses and medical residents: A two-center pilot trial. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018;225:569 View
- Jackson C, Quetsch L, Brabson L, Herschell A. Web-Based Training Methods for Behavioral Health Providers: A Systematic Review. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 2018;45(4):587 View
- de la Torre I, Castillo G, Arambarri J, López-Coronado M, Franco M. Mobile Apps for Suicide Prevention: Review of Virtual Stores and Literature. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2017;5(10):e130 View
- Hensel J, Ellard K, Koltek M, Wilson G, Sareen J. Digital Health Solutions for Indigenous Mental Well-Being. Current Psychiatry Reports 2019;21(8) View
- Pistone I, Beckman U, Eriksson E, Lagerlöf H, Sager M. The effects of educational interventions on suicide: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2019;65(5):399 View
- Hwang S, Choi H. Development and Evaluation of the Life Respect Enhancement Program for Nursing Officers. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2020;50(4):599 View
- Yonemoto N, Kawashima Y, Endo K, Yamada M. Gatekeeper training for suicidal behaviors: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019;246:506 View
- Franco-Martín M, Muñoz-Sánchez J, Sainz-de-Abajo B, Castillo-Sánchez G, Hamrioui S, de la Torre-Díez I. A Systematic Literature Review of Technologies for Suicidal Behavior Prevention. Journal of Medical Systems 2018;42(4) View
- Muñoz-Sánchez J, Delgado C, Sánchez-Prada A, Parra-Vidales E, de Leo D, Franco-Martín M. Facilitating Factors and Barriers to the Use of Emerging Technologies for Suicide Prevention in Europe: Multicountry Exploratory Study. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(1):e7 View
- Van Landschoot R, Portzky G, Van Heeringen K. Knowledge, Self-Confidence and Attitudes towards Suicidal Patients at Emergency and Psychiatric Departments: A Randomised Controlled Trial of the Effects of an Educational Poster Campaign. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14(3):304 View
- Kirby A, Terrill A, Schwartz A, Henderson J, Whitaker B, Kramer J. Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Knowledge, Comfort, and Competence Regarding Youth Suicide. OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research 2020;40(4):270 View
- Kerr B, Stephens D, Pham D, Ghost Dog T, McCray C, Caughlan C, Gaston A, Gritton J, Jenkins M, Craig Rushing S, Moreno M. Assessing the Usability, Appeal, and Impact of a Web-Based Training for Adults Responding to Concerning Posts on Social Media: Pilot Suicide Prevention Study. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(1):e14949 View
- Tuijnman A, Kleinjan M, Hoogendoorn E, Granic I, Engels R. A Game-Based School Program for Mental Health Literacy and Stigma Regarding Depression (Moving Stories): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2019;8(3):e11255 View
- Painter N, Kuo G, Collins S, Palomino Y, Lee K. Pharmacist training in suicide prevention. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2018;58(2):199 View
- Holmes G, Clacy A, Hermens D, Lagopoulos J. The Long-Term Efficacy of Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training: A Systematic Review. Archives of Suicide Research 2021;25(2):177 View
- Rassy J, Bardon C, Dargis L, Côté L, Corthésy-Blondin L, Mörch C, Labelle R. Information and Communication Technology Use in Suicide Prevention: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e25288 View
- Arango A, Gipson P, Votta J, King C. Saving Lives: Recognizing and Intervening with Youth at Risk for Suicide. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 2021;17(1):259 View
- Tuijnman A, Kleinjan M, Olthof M, Hoogendoorn E, Granic I, Engels R. A Game-Based School Program for Mental Health Literacy and Stigma on Depression (Moving Stories): Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(8):e26615 View
- Teo A, Call A, Hooker E, Fong C, Karras E, Dobscha S. Feasibility of recruitment and retention in a remote trial of gatekeeper training for close supports of military veterans: Mixed methods study. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2022;30:100993 View
- Nozawa K, Ishii A, Asaoka H, Iwanaga M, Kumakura Y, Oyabu Y, Shinozaki T, Imamura K, Kawakami N, Miyamoto Y. Effectiveness of an Online Peer Gatekeeper Training Program for Postsecondary Students on Suicide Prevention in Japan: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(4):e34832 View
- Cliffe B, Peck A, Shafique J, Hards E, Loades M. Psychological therapists’ perceptions of adolescent depression and its treatment: A mixed methods online survey. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2023;28(2):580 View
- Hofmann L, Glaesmer H, Przyrembel M, Wagner B. An Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention E-Learning Program for Police Officers (COPS): Improvement in Knowledge and Competence. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021;12 View
- Goodwin R, Dierker L, Wu M, Galea S, Hoven C, Weinberger A. Trends in U.S. Depression Prevalence From 2015 to 2020: The Widening Treatment Gap. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2022;63(5):726 View
- Midgett A, Doumas D, Hausheer R. Development of a Teacher Module for a Brief, Bystander Bullying Intervention for Middle Schools: Perspectives from School Personnel. Contemporary School Psychology 2023;27(3):491 View
- Exner-Cortens D, Baker E, Fernandez Conde C, Van Bavel M, Roy M, Pawluk C. School-Based Suicide Prevention through Gatekeeper Training: The Role of Natural Leaders. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 2022:1 View
- Schmeckenbecher J, Lentner S, Emilian C, Plener P, Baran A, Kapusta N. E-learning as a tool of suicide prevention training: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Death Studies 2024;48(9):962 View
- Loitz C, Arinde F, Olaoye F, Pilon K, Johansen S. Evaluation of a community helpers’ mental health and suicide awareness training programme for youth and young adults in Alberta, Canada. Public Health 2024;228:128 View
- Jha S, Jewer S, Agyapong V, Orji R. Can Your Smartphone Save A Life? A Systematic Review of Mobile-Based Interventions For Suicide Prevention. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2025;41(1):723 View
- Holmes G, Clacy A, Hamilton A, Kõlves K. Online versus in-person gatekeeper suicide prevention training: comparison in a community sample. Journal of Mental Health 2024;33(5):605 View
- Choi H, Park H, Suarez M, Park C, Zhao Z, Wilkie D. Feasibility of a web-based suicide awareness programme for Asian American college students. BMJ Open 2016;6(12):e013466 View
- Kingi-Uluave D, Taufa N, Tuesday R, Cargo T, Stasiak K, Merry S, Hetrick S. A Review of Systematic Reviews: Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention with a Focus on Effectiveness and Findings. Archives of Suicide Research 2024:1 View
- Koenig E, Hoffmann U, Fegert J, Keller F, Sicorello M, Spohrs J, Kraus L, Nickel S, Schmahl C, Abler B, In-Albon T, Koenig J, Ougrin D, Kaess M, Plener P, Sittenberger E, Schischke L, Geprägs A, Liebhart I, Witt A, Sachser C, Brown R, Münch V, König E, Niedtfeld I, Zähringer J, Isik H, Koelch M, Reis O, Michelsen A, Chiocchetti A, Lindlar S, Waltes R, Mössner M, van der Venne P, Höper S, Flach E, Edinger A, Bauer S, Mattern M, Herpertz S, Ebner U, Santangelo P. Training approaches for the dissemination of clinical guidelines for NSSI: a quasi-experimental trial. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2024;18(1) View
- Kingi-Ulu’ave D, Framptom C, Cargo T, Stasiak K, Hetrick S. Evaluating the Impact and Cultural Relevance of LifeKeepers Gatekeeper Training Across Three Training Modalities. Crisis 2024;45(6):417 View
- Vaghela G, Van Truong L, Trang V, Makram A, Hung I, Luu M, Nam N, Elsheikh R, Trieu M, Trang L, Khan Z, Ikeanyionwu C, Makram E, Duc N, Nguyen M, Amanda T, Baig Z, Chafee K, Fadel S, Nguyen T, Lamichhane A, Linh N, Khalil M, Shidhaye R, Hasnain M, Vijayakumar L, Mayne J, Maheen H, Kar S, Onie S, Yip P, White J, Huy N. Evaluating the global landscape of suicide helpline services: a global survey across 105 countries. The Lancet Psychiatry 2025;12(2):100 View
- Hofmann L, Springer A, Wagner B. The role of informal caregivers in suicide prevention for men– findings from a psychological autopsy study. BMC Public Health 2025;25(1) View