JMIR Mental Health Editors Featured in Scholarly Kitchen Articles

We're excited to announce that our esteemed colleagues from JMIR Mental Health have been featured in a two-part article on the Scholarly Kitchen. The series, titled "Mental Health Awareness Mondays — Ask the Mental Health Editors," delves into the experiences and perspectives of mental health editors within the scholarly publishing community.

Featured Editors:

  • John Torous, Editor-in-Chief of JMIR Mental Health
  • Shruti Kochhar, Managing Editor of JMIR Mental Health
  • Taiane de Azevedo Cardoso, Scientific Editor of JMIR Mental Health

In these insightful pieces, our editors discuss their professional backgrounds, the scope of JMIR Mental Health, and their vision for the future of mental health publishing. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the dedicated individuals behind one of the leading journals in digital mental health.

Read both parts of the article here:

Mental Health Awareness Mondays — Ask the Mental Health Editors: Part One

Mental Health Awareness Mondays — Ask the Mental Health Editors: Part Two