Call for Papers: "Theme Issue: COVID-19 and Mental Health: Impact and Interventions" in the JMIR Mental Health (JMH) Special Theme Issue/E-Collection

JMIR Mental Health is pleased to announce a special issue focusing on COVID-19. The transformation that this pandemic has brought upon the world is unparalleled, and the impact on mental health is equally unprecedented. Digital and online mental health solutions have emerged as a key component in the global response to COVID-19. The need for emerging and new knowledge on these digital mental health solutions has never been greater.

JMIR Mental Health is welcoming new and innovative research related to COVID-19 and the mental health response. Priority will be given to original data papers as well as review papers. Editorials and perspectives will be considered only after pre-approval for submission from the editor. Authors are welcome at any time before submission to receive feedback and input on their paper ideas from the editor or editorial board.

Other JMIR journals are also soliciting COVID-19 papers which will be prioritized for peer review and publication. As with all JMIR journals, fast-tracking is also available for even faster turn-around times.

All articles submitted to this theme issue will be shared and published rapidly through the following mechanisms:

  1. JMIR Preprints (example) are immediately available after submission (with DOI); authors should select the preprint option on submission. Preprints already submitted to MedRxiv can be transmitted to JMH via the M2J interface
  2. Rapid peer-review, and publication within 1-3 weeks after acceptance
  3. Free “PubMed Now!” feature, ensuring that the paper is submitted to and searchable on PubMed within 24 hours after acceptance (fees are waived)
  4. Accelerated production timelines following APF payment after acceptance
  5. All peer-reviewed research publications in this theme issue are immediately and permanently made open access—this is of course the standard for JMIR journals
  6. Special tagging of the XML of the published paper for priority release on PubMed Central (in collaboration with NCBI)

Questions regarding this Theme Issue should be directed to JMH Editor-in-Chief, John Torous, MD, MBI, or the editorial team at For submissions that may also be in scope for other JMIR journals, you can also use the generic JMIR Presubmission Inquiry Form. Papers that are already peer-reviewed elsewhere (at another high impact journal but declined) can be submitted using the PePR submission form (Articles with Pre-Existing Peer-Reviews) for an accelerated decision. 

How to submit

Please submit to JMIR Mental Health by selecting "Theme Issue: COVID-19 and Mental Health” in the "Section" drop-down list.

See also “How do I submit to a theme issue?” in our knowledge base.

Note: this Theme Issue was previously titled: "Theme Issue 2020/2021: COVID-19 and Mental Health”. Due to the ongoing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact, we have opened up the Theme Issue on an ongoing basis.