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Published on 02.08.17 in Vol 4, No 3 (2017): Jul-Sept

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Works citing "Peer Communication in Online Mental Health Forums for Young People: Directional and Nondirectional Support"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/mental.6921):

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  2. Prescott J, Hanley T, Ujhelyi Gomez K. Why do young people use online forums for mental health and emotional support? Benefits and challenges. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 2019;47(3):317
  3. Mannan M, Ahamed R, Zaman SB. Consumers' willingness to purchase online mental health services. Journal of Services Marketing 2019;33(5):557
  4. . The use of online discussion forums and communities for health research. Family Practice 2020;37(4):574
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  6. Tucker IM, Lavis A. Temporalities of mental distress: digital immediacy and the meaning of ‘crisis’ in online support. Sociology of Health & Illness 2019;41(S1):132
  7. Roystonn K, Vaingankar JA, Chua BY, Sambasivam R, Shafie S, Jeyagurunathan A, Verma S, Abdin E, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. The Public Health Impact and Policy Implications of Online Support Group Use for Mental Health in Singapore: Cross-Sectional Survey. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(8):e18114
  8. . Evaluating the Communication of Online Social Support: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Structure and Content. Health Communication 2020;35(10):1210
  9. Wu W, Hung C. Impact of a peer virtual community on pregnant women's well‐being: A repeated‐measure and quasi‐experimental study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2019;75(5):1099
  10. Michalak EE, Morton E, Barnes SJ, Hole R, Murray G. Supporting Self-Management in Bipolar Disorder: Mixed-Methods Knowledge Translation Study. JMIR Mental Health 2019;6(4):e13493
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  15. Hanley T, Prescott J, Gomez KU. A systematic review exploring how young people use online forums for support around mental health issues. Journal of Mental Health 2019;28(5):566
  16. Prescott J, Rathbone AL, Hanley T. Online mental health communities, self-efficacy and transition to further support. Mental Health Review Journal 2020;25(4):329
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  54. Liu J, Lee DN, Stevens EM. Characteristics Associated with Young Adults’ Intentions to Engage with Anti-Vaping Instagram Posts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(11):6054
  55. . CORR Insights®: Most Patients With Bone Sarcomas Seek Emotional Support and Information About Other Patients’ Experiences: A Thematic Analysis. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research 2024;482(1):172
  56. Full W, Vossler A, Moller N, Pybis J, Roddy J. Therapists' and counsellors' perceptions and experiences of offering online therapy during COVID‐19: A qualitative survey. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 2024;24(2):703
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