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Published on 19.05.16 in Vol 3, No 2 (2016): Apr-Jun

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Works citing "A Thematic Analysis of Stigma and Disclosure for Perinatal Depression on an Online Forum"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/mental.5611):

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  2. Chang Y, Glaria AA, Davie P, Beake S, Bick D. Breastfeeding experiences and support for women who are overweight or obese: A mixed‐methods systematic review. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2020;16(1)
  3. Pilozzi A, Huang X. Overcoming Alzheimer’s Disease Stigma by Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technologies. Brain Sciences 2020;10(3):183
  4. Rodda SN, Hing N, Hodgins DC, Cheetham A, Dickins M, Lubman DI. Behaviour change strategies for problem gambling: an analysis of online posts. International Gambling Studies 2018;:1
  5. Monteiro F, Pereira M, Canavarro MC, Fonseca A. Be a Mom’s Efficacy in Enhancing Positive Mental Health among Postpartum Women Presenting Low Risk for Postpartum Depression: Results from a Pilot Randomized Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(13):4679
  6. Ayers S, Crawley R, Webb R, Button S, Thornton A. What are women stressed about after birth?. Birth 2019;46(4):678
  7. Moore D, Drey N, Ayers S. Use of Online Forums for Perinatal Mental Illness, Stigma, and Disclosure: An Exploratory Model. JMIR Mental Health 2017;4(1):e6
  8. Doherty K, Barry M, Marcano-Belisario J, Arnaud B, Morrison C, Car J, Doherty G. A Mobile App for the Self-Report of Psychological Well-Being During Pregnancy (BrightSelf): Qualitative Design Study. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(4):e10007
  9. Skinner EM, Barnett B, Dietz HP. Psychological consequences of pelvic floor trauma following vaginal birth: a qualitative study from two Australian tertiary maternity units. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2018;21(3):341
  10. Moore D, Ayers S, Drey N. The City MISS: development of a scale to measure stigma of perinatal mental illness. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 2017;35(3):273
  11. Byatt N, Xu W, Levin LL, Moore Simas TA. Perinatal depression care pathway for obstetric settings. International Review of Psychiatry 2019;31(3):210
  12. Harrison V, Moore D, Lazard L. Supporting perinatal anxiety in the digital age; a qualitative exploration of stressors and support strategies. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2020;20(1)
  13. Doherty K, Barry M, Belisario JM, Morrison C, Car J, Doherty G. Personal information and public health: Design tensions in sharing and monitoring wellbeing in pregnancy. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2020;135:102373
  14. Goetz M, Schiele C, Müller M, Matthies LM, Deutsch TM, Spano C, Graf J, Zipfel S, Bauer A, Brucker SY, Wallwiener M, Wallwiener S. Effects of a Brief Electronic Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Relieving Prenatal Depression and Anxiety in Hospitalized High-Risk Pregnant Women: Exploratory Pilot Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(8):e17593
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  16. El-Den S, O’Reilly CL, Gardner DM, Murphy AL, Chen TF. Content validation of a questionnaire measuring basic perinatal depression knowledge. Women & Health 2019;59(6):615
  17. Moore D, Harrison V. Advice for Health Care Professionals and Users: An Evaluation of Websites for Perinatal Anxiety. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(4):e11464
  18. Moore D, Drey N, Ayers S. A meta-synthesis of women’s experiences of online forums for maternal mental illness and stigma. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2020;23(4):507
  19. Gross MS, Ruth AR, Rasmussen SA. Respect women, promote health and reduce stigma: ethical arguments for universal hepatitis C screening in pregnancy. Journal of Medical Ethics 2020;46(10):674
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  47. . “She Was Feeling Overwhelmed at Home Caring for Her Children”: Expectations of “Intensive Motherhood” as a Risk Factor for Young Women's Suicide. Violence Against Women 2024;
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