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Published on 17.05.17 in Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Apr-Jun

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Works citing "A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of e-Mental Health Interventions to Treat Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/mental.5558):

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  2. Steubl L, Sachser C, Baumeister H, Domhardt M. Intervention components, mediators, and mechanisms of change of Internet- and mobile-based interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews 2019;8(1)
  3. Weaver E, Szigethy E. Managing Pain and Psychosocial Care in IBD: a Primer for the Practicing Gastroenterologist. Current Gastroenterology Reports 2020;22(4)
  4. . Veteran Treatments: PTSD Interventions. Healthcare 2018;6(3):94
  5. Stefanopoulou E, Lewis D, Mughal A, Larkin J. Digital Interventions for PTSD Symptoms in the General Population: a Review. Psychiatric Quarterly 2020;
  6. Blázquez Martín D, De La Torre I, Garcia-Zapirain B, Lopez-Coronado M, Rodrigues J. Managing and Controlling Stress Using mHealth: Systematic Search in App Stores. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2018;6(5):e111
  7. Bilić SS, Moessner M, Wirtz G, Lang S, Weisbrod M, Bauer S. Internet-based aftercare for patients with personality disorders and trauma-related disorders: A pilot study. Psychiatry Research 2020;285:112771
  8. Pettman D, O'Mahen H, Skoog Svanberg A, von Essen L, Axfors C, Blomberg O, Woodford J. Effectiveness and acceptability of cognitive–behavioural therapy based interventions for maternal peripartum depression: a systematic review, meta-analysis and thematic synthesis protocol. BMJ Open 2019;9(12):e032659
  9. Kurth C, Wegerer V, Steinhoff BJ. „E-mental health“ und psychiatrische Erkrankungen – Alles nur Hype?. Zeitschrift für Epileptologie 2020;33(3):184
  10. Yin H, Wardenaar KJ, Wang Y, Wang N, Chen W, Zhang Y, Xu G, Schoevers RA. Mobile Mental Health Apps in China: Systematic App Store Search. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e14915
  11. McLean CP, Miller ML, Gengler R, Henderson J, Sloan DM. The efficacy of written exposure therapy versus imaginal exposure delivered online for posttraumatic stress disorder: Design of a randomized controlled trial in Veterans. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2020;91:105990
  12. Titov N, Dear B, Nielssen O, Staples L, Hadjistavropoulos H, Nugent M, Adlam K, Nordgreen T, Bruvik KH, Hovland A, Repål A, Mathiasen K, Kraepelien M, Blom K, Svanborg C, Lindefors N, Kaldo V. ICBT in routine care: A descriptive analysis of successful clinics in five countries. Internet Interventions 2018;13:108
  13. Verran A, Uddin A, Court R, Taggart F, Sutcliffe P, Sturt J, Griffiths F, Atherton H. Effectiveness and impact of networked communication interventions in young people with mental health conditions: A rapid review. DIGITAL HEALTH 2018;4:205520761876220
  14. Mårtensson E, Blomberg O, Pettman D, Sörensdotter R, von Essen L, Woodford J. Psychological interventions for depression among informal caregivers of older adult populations: protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open 2020;10(9):e036402
  15. Reyes AT, Serafica R, Sojobi A. College student veterans' experience with a mindfulness- and acceptance-based mobile app intervention for PTSD: A qualitative study. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2020;34(6):497
  16. He L, Geng Y, Pan Y, Tian J, He X, Deng X, Duan W, Peng H. Study protocol for a network meta-analysis of digital-technology-based psychotherapies for PTSD in adults. BMJ Open 2020;10(12):e038951
  17. Waterman LZ, Cooper M. Self-administered EMDR therapy: potential solution for expanding the availability of psychotherapy for PTSD or unregulated recipe for disaster?. BJPsych Open 2020;6(6)
  18. Lee W, Kim G, Yoon HJ, Kim S. A Systematic Review of the Effect of Web-based Trauma-Education Programs for Mental-Health Professionals. Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2020;29(4):325
  19. Steubl L, Sachser C, Baumeister H, Domhardt M. Mechanisms of change in Internet- and mobile-based interventions for PTSD: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2021;12(1)
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  28. Zhou Y, Bai Z, Wu W, Fan Z, Wu C, Li L, Li S. Impacts of Internet-Based Interventions for Veterans With PTSD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12
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  30. Kim S, Lee K. Development and evaluation of an online mental health program for traumatized female college students: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2023;43:118
  31. Azgomi HF, Faghih RT. Enhancement of Closed-Loop Cognitive Stress Regulation Using Supervised Control Architectures. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2022;3:7
  32. Koh J, Tng GYQ, Hartanto A. Potential and Pitfalls of Mobile Mental Health Apps in Traditional Treatment: An Umbrella Review. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2022;12(9):1376
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  37. Gaidai AS, Kadyrov RV, Kapustina TV. Mobile Apps for mental health: Literature review. Психолог 2023;(5):100
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  41. Foreman I, Shipp A, Staley M, Ford C. Evaluation of an online pilot ‘Complex trauma stabilisation’ group intervention in an adult mental health service. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 2024;8(1):100383
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  43. Blackie M, De Boer K, Seabrook L, Bates G, Nedeljkovic M. Digital-Based Interventions for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 2024;
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  1. Kuhn E, Hoffman JE, Ruzek JI, Owen JE. Evidence Based Treatments for Trauma-Related Psychological Disorders. 2022. Chapter 26:533