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Published on 05.05.16 in Vol 3, No 2 (2016): Apr-Jun

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Works citing "New Tools for New Research in Psychiatry: A Scalable and Customizable Platform to Empower Data Driven Smartphone Research"

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  2. Wisniewski H, Henson P, Torous J. Using a Smartphone App to Identify Clinically Relevant Behavior Trends via Symptom Report, Cognition Scores, and Exercise Levels: A Case Series. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2019;10
  3. Firth J, Stubbs B, Vancampfort D, Schuch FB, Rosenbaum S, Ward PB, Firth JA, Sarris J, Yung AR. The Validity and Value of Self-reported Physical Activity and Accelerometry in People With Schizophrenia: A Population-Scale Study of the UK Biobank. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2018;44(6):1293
  4. Torous J, Woodyatt J, Keshavan M, Tully LM. A new hope for early psychosis care: the evolving landscape of digital care tools. The British Journal of Psychiatry 2019;214(5):269
  5. Sezgin E, Noritz G, Elek A, Conkol K, Rust S, Bailey M, Strouse R, Chandawarkar A, von Sadovszky V, Lin S, Huang Y. Capturing At-Home Health and Care Information for Children With Medical Complexity Using Voice Interactive Technologies: Multi-Stakeholder Viewpoint. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(2):e14202
  6. Spinazze P, Rykov Y, Bottle A, Car J. Digital phenotyping for assessment and prediction of mental health outcomes: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 2019;9(12):e032255
  7. Bassett DS, Khambhati AN, Grafton ST. Emerging Frontiers of Neuroengineering: A Network Science of Brain Connectivity. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 2017;19(1):327
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  108. . Is Big Data the New Stethoscope? Perils of Digital Phenotyping to Address Mental Illness. Philosophy & Technology 2021;34(3):447
  109. . Theme 10 Disease stratification and phenotyping. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 2018;19(sup1):282
  110. Melcher J, Hays R, Torous J. Digital phenotyping for mental health of college students: a clinical review. Evidence Based Mental Health 2020;23(4):161
  111. de Moura IR, Teles AS, Endler M, Coutinho LR, da Silva e Silva FJ. Recognizing Context-Aware Human Sociability Patterns Using Pervasive Monitoring for Supporting Mental Health Professionals. Sensors 2020;21(1):86
  112. . The crossroads of digital phenotyping. General Hospital Psychiatry 2022;74:126
  113. Rodriguez-Villa E, Mehta UM, Naslund J, Tugnawat D, Gupta S, Thirtalli J, Bhan A, Patel V, Chand PK, Rozatkar A, Keshavan M, Torous J. Smartphone Health Assessment for Relapse Prevention (SHARP): a digital solution toward global mental health. BJPsych Open 2021;7(1)
  114. Gauld C, Dumas G, Fakra , Mattout J, Micoulaud-Franchi J. Les trois cultures de la psychiatrie computationnelle. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 2021;179(1):63
  115. Barnett I, Torous J, Reeder HT, Baker J, Onnela J. Determining sample size and length of follow-up for smartphone-based digital phenotyping studies. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2020;27(12):1844
  116. Orsolini L, Fiorani M, Volpe U. Digital Phenotyping in Bipolar Disorder: Which Integration with Clinical Endophenotypes and Biomarkers?. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020;21(20):7684
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