JMIR Mental Health is committed to publishing the highest quality scholarly works on Internet intervention, technologies, and digital innovation for mental health and behavior change. Today we are excited to announce two new categories of papers for submission entitled Personal Perspectives and Guest Editorials. Papers in these new categories will each be 600 words or less and contain no more than 10 references. The headings are free. There should be a short unstructured abstract.
Personal perspectives will outline the opinions and views of leaders in the field (including industry and patients) and offer a forum to share evolving ideas. We welcome in particular the discussion of or personal experiences with new tools, methods, apps, devices, or personal experiences about the role of technology in mental health. We will aim to publish one personal perspective per month and thus expect we will not be able to publish all potential submissions. In keeping with JMIR’s innovative publishing model, we encourage patients to submit their perspectives on mental health and technology.
Guest editorials will be invited by the editor and feature the perspectives of important researchers, clinicians, policy leaders, and patients.
Article processing fees for personal perspectives and guest editorials will be heavily discounted (only US$350), and can be waived entirely for patients with no funding and commercial interest in the discussed topic.