@Article{info:doi/10.2196/54781, author="Haber, Yuval and Levkovich, Inbar and Hadar-Shoval, Dorit and Elyoseph, Zohar", title="The Artificial Third: A Broad View of the Effects of Introducing Generative Artificial Intelligence on Psychotherapy", journal="JMIR Ment Health", year="2024", month="May", day="23", volume="11", pages="e54781", keywords="psychoanalysis; generative artificial intelligence; psychotherapy; large language models; narcissism; narcissist; narcissistic; perception; perceptions; critical thinking; transparency; autonomy; mental health; interpersonal; LLM; LLMs; language model; language models; artificial intelligence; generative; AI; ethic; ethics; ethical", issn="2368-7959", doi="10.2196/54781", url="https://mental.jmir.org/2024/1/e54781", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/54781" }